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TAG Companies

TAG companies work in partnership with customers to meet existing business needs and the challenges associated with new opportunities. Within the TAG organization, lessons learned are continuously shared across the enterprise, resulting in efficiency, productivity and quality enhancements. These enhancements are incorporated into customer manufacturing and service solutions, enabling our customers to meet the needs of the marketplace.

Baron Industries, LLC

Baron Industries provides porosity sealing services and solutions in the vacuum impregnation industry. The services seal leaks in metal castings and powdered metal parts, preventing internal corrosion and fluid leakage. In many applications, tool life has been increased 4 to 10-fold. Cutting feeds and speeds can also be increased through resin impregnation.


  • Leak testing
  • Electric part sealing
  • Vacuum impregnation of castings and powdered metal parts
Visit the Baron Industries web site

Wolverine Assemblies, LLC

Wolverine Assemblies provides a wide range of warehousing and assembly services that include supply chain management, international logistics and manufacturing. The services reduce total land costs (TLC) associated with making and delivering products to the point where they produce revenue.


  • Modular assembly
  • Supply chain management
  • Component consolidation
  • Warehousing
  • Sequential parts delivery


  • Automotive modular assemblies
Visit the Wolverine Assemblies, LLC web site